We provide loans for Renovation / Repair work / New fixtures, etc. in an existing house. We understand that the interiors of your house reflect your personality & status and you aspire to constantly upgrade them in terms of looks and convenience and keep it looking as good as new. You may want to repaint the house, or maybe spruce up the flooring depending on your lifestyle.
At Capri Home Loans we look forward to helping you with this with our Home Renovation Loans. We cover the complete repair, renovation and upgradation of your home which would typically include the following improvements: Tiling, Flooring, Roofing, Painting, plumbing and electrical works, Woodwork, Waterproofing, False ceiling, Grill work for windows, construction of compound wall etc.
Affordable Home Ownership for Every Deserving Indian.
Every unbanked, underserved and unserved Indian should have the right to home ownersh
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